Snowy Mountain Top
It's pretty much spring here in New Mexico. One thing everyone says about Albuquerque is that the weather is great, and they aren't lying. The winters are mild and spring comes when it's supposed to. While I read about snow and how depressed everyone is about the bad weather where they live, the trees in our neighborhood are blooming and I wore a coat a handful of times all winter. The summers aren't bad either since we live at a high elevation and there's no humidity. It gets hot, but it's nice until 10:30 in the mornings and pretty much all day in the shade. I really can't complain.
Albert took some pictures from our backyard of the snow on the mountains at the beginning of March since it's so rare. There is skiing on the other side of the mountain and in Santa Fe, but we don't really have to worry about snow in the city, especially where we live.