6th Floor Museum

On Saturday, December 12 Albert and I borrowed Fabian's car and drove into Dallas for some exploring. The first thing we were impressed with was the Dallas skyline. I liked that there were older smaller buildings mixed in with beautiful mirrored high rises.

When looking for things we could do in Dallas, I came across the 6th Floor Museum that is in the book depository from where Lee Harvey Oswald shot JFK. I didn't know all the details about Kennedy's assassination and it was quite sad. The only pics we were allowed to take was by the ticket booth of the big picture of Kennedy not long before he was shot, which I thought was kind of morbid. After the regular audio tour we went upstairs to the 7th floor where they had a museum about the photographer who covered the killing of Oswald. Albert took some pictures there.

Afterwards we went to see the exact spot where Kennedy was killed. We were one of many who took turns standing in the road on the "x" that marks the spot.


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