Ear problems

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After getting the wax cleaned out of my ears last Tuesday, I've been diligent about cleaning out my ears with the medicine they gave me and then washing it out with water like it says. Just my luck I now have an external ear infection that has been killing me the last couple days.

I think most people have their go-to medicine. Albert's mom is a huge fan of Theraflu and after getting sick last Christmas, I am a believer as well. My mom swears by Zicam. Even though it's not really medicine you'd think it was the way my parents go on and on about it.

My favorite medicine is Alka-Seltzer Plus. I hate the way it tastes, but it works so well. I was up all night with my ear hurting plus I had horrible heart burn from the spicy pasta I made for dinner. I took a big swig of Pepto Bismol and it did nothing. Finally I got up and drank a glass of Alka-Seltzer Plus for heartburn and it went away almost immediately.

So this afternoon I have another doctor's appointment for my stupid ear -- the same one I went in for last week. Hopefully she'll give me some good medicine...unfortunately they don't have Alka-Seltzer plus for ear infections.


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