Colonial Williamsburg

This weekend Albert and I went to Williamsburg, VA for our last trip of the summer. On Saturday morning we got up early (6 AM!) and drove to Williamsburg. We got there around 11 AM since we didn't actually leave until 8. Albert was able to get us some discounted tickets to Colonial Williamsburg through the military and we stayed at the Navy Base in Yorktown for cheap. The Army does have some benefits :D

Here are a few of my favorite pics from Saturday... (If you'd like to see more pics click here.)

At the Good Hope Planatation

During our orientation

Edmund Randolph (the first Attorney General) with his girlfriend and future wife Elizabeth Nicholas and his sister Susannah Beverly

Dining room at the Wythe House -- lamb's head...yummy!

In the living room of the Wythe House

Modeling in front of a cool looking tree

The Royal Governor's Palace

In the flower garden at the Governor's Palace

Waiting for the fifes and drums to come

The fifes and drums making their way to the Governor's Palace

Fife players and a drummer after their performance

Some interpretors chatting on the street

Albert waiting for his lunch at the King's Arms Tavern

A seamstress working on a dress at the milliners

John Randolph and his wife argue with a member of the Burgesses about Mr. Randolph's loyalty to the King during the "Revolutionary City"

Canons being fired after Virginia declared it's independance during "Revolutionary City"

Virginians going home after the celebrations during "Revolutionary City"

Albert and the sunset while waiting for the ferry to go to Surry. We wanted to eat a traditional Virginian meal in Surry, but found the restaurant closed at 8 PM on a Saturday night as we arrived at 7:55. We had to wait another 1/2 hr to get back onto the ferry to go back to Williamsburg where we ate at the ever reliable I-HOP.


Amanda said…
Looks fun!! My sister-in-law happened to go this past weekend, too. My hubby went last year with them and said it was pretty cool. What a bummer about the restaurant being closed, though! I'll have to make it a list of things to do next time I'm in Virginia visiting my in-laws!

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