Traveling to Grandma's House

Quentin and the lizard in our backyard

The beginning of the week was spent getting ready for our big trip! Albert finished work early on Wednesday, August 14 and we headed out on our way to Wyoming that afternoon.  The boys did really well driving.  Wyatt slept most of the time and Quentin liked watching the DVD player.  Quentin liked singing along to songs on the radio and especially likes the song "Love Somebody" by Maroon 5. There were a couple times where Wyatt cried until we could find a good place to stop and feed him, but that's to be expected.

We checked out Four Corners and stayed the night at a motel in Moab, Utah.  Quentin really didn't like the motel and wanted to leave immediately.  I had to make it seem really exciting to get him to want to stay.  Luckily he slept pretty well after he got to sleep.  Wyatt not so much.

The next morning we ate breakfast at Eklecticafe, which was expensive, but tasty and then we drove around Arches National Park before driving up to Wyoming.  We had a fun welcoming committee with my grandma up from Utah and my brother's family (my brother was working so he wasn't there) at my parents' house to greet us.

Friday was my birthday so we had lots of good food and went to an art festival they were having in town.  I ran into some people I knew and hadn't seen in a decade or so and they even had some great fireworks.  Nice way to celebrate my birthday!

Quentin loved playing with is cousins and kept really busy.  Too busy for sleeping that for sure.  There were very few naps and bedtime was much later than usual.  Wyatt decided that he wasn't going to sleep at all at night so I was very sleep deprived.  I hardly ever had to hold Wyatt since my grandma, dad, and sister-in-law, Jenna, were more than willing to take him off my hands.  Wyatt really loves Jenna.  She's the baby whisperer and had him laughing and laughing especially with snorting noises.


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