Oklahoma City Zoo Part II
The Wednesday before we left to Albuquerque we went to visit the zoo again, but this time we went with friends we met at the pavilion at our apartment complex, Tara and Zander. Her husband is also in the FAA training, but they got there a month ago so we didn't overlap too much. We saw all the animals that were hiding and didn't get to see last time.
We saw the baby tigers who aren't exactly babies anymore. Quentin LOVED them. When Tara fed the ducks a million catfish swam to the surface. It was a little freaky.
The gorilla came by the window and did this gangsta style pose and the baby chip was swinging on the rope. People all laughed and were talking loud which scared Quentin so we had to get out of there.
The baby elephant was out and we finally got a good view of her.
We saw some African hogs with little babies. The babies kept trying to latch on and the mom would lay down and they could get to the nipples. It was pretty funny and cute.