Ringing in the New Year
We hung around the apartment for the most part on New Year's Eve with this little guy. He gets sweaty a lot and his hair gets all wet so this time I decided to give him a faux hawk for fun. I can't put bows on his head so I have to have some fun with all that hair.
Despite opting out of his afternoon nap he was well behaved on our dinner at Red Lobster. We went early which was great because we got right in and we came home in plenty of time to give Quentin a bath before bedtime. Thanks to Albert's parents for the gift certificate! It's different going out to eat in Oklahoma because the servers are so darn friendly...lots of small talk.
We were able to stay up long enough to ring in the new year and watched the ball drop in downtown Oklahoma City on tv. There were a ton of people there! Glad we were at home :)
On New Year's Day we went to eat at my friend's house outside of Oklahoma City. We were visiting teaching partners in the single's ward in DC years ago so it was nice to catch up. Hopefully we can hang out a few times before we go.