First Day of Work

Albert started his new internship at the FAA on May 24. This is a big change not only for him, but for me too. We've been riding the bus together and then splitting up to ride different trains into the city. This requires us to get up earlier and takes a lot more effort/energy than having him drop me off in the morning. We were so exhausted the first week that we skipped our boot camp class and we didn't leave the house all day on our first Saturday off.

We also had to figure out when we were going to do things around the apartment that Albert usually does during the day. When will we go grocery shopping, pay the bills, do the laundry, clean the house? I do think that it's helped both of us appreciate the other. Albert is tired of going to work everyday all day and all these household chores are really starting to cut into my tv watching time. Before I got married I used to do all this plus go to school. No wonder I never had time for American Idol. 

{my handsome husband on the bus on his first day as a commuter}


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