Officially stressed and still blissfully happy
I had posted my apt spot on my church listserv and so I had Albert take some pictures of my apt after I spend a little bit picking up everything around the house. By that afternoon I had someone call me wanting to take it. With my experience in these things housing deals fall through a couple times before you find a real taker so I'm not going to start celebrating just yet. Hopefully it doesn't fall though and I'll be moved into my new apt in mid April and not have to pay the entire month's rent.
We went to the Party Depot and bought a bunch of plates, forks, cups and napkins. We also got a bunch of white plastic rolls to cover up at the basketball hoops in the gym of the church. I bought my shoes at Payless. They aren't great quality or as formal as I would have liked, but they're cute and pretty comfortable and Albert approved of them. He also bought a couple pairs of shoes.
We then went over to the alteration place I mentioned earlier. The lady was really nice and professional. They had a few bridal gowns hanging up in the back room where I changed into the dress which leads me to believe that she alters bridal gowns frequently. She's going to lift up the shoulders, hem the edge of the frilly part on the bottom and put in a double bustle for $180. This is more than I wanted to spend, but after she explained everything it seems like a good deal. I have two fittings and everything. I'm really happy with going there so far.
We bought a signature frame at Target. Instead of having a sign in book I wanted to have something we would actually use. I don't think I would ever go through the book to see our guests' signatures, but if we have it hanging on the wall we'd look at it everyday.
We went by the flower shop we liked before, Bradlee Flowers, but the experience was much different this time. The man we talked to that was nice and knowledgeable wasn't there instead there was a lady who provided no help, but insisted that we pay $25 to meet with a floral designer. We were ready to order with them, but when she was so rude to me I said forget it. She took off in the back room right after we spoke with her and Albert called to her to ask her another questions, but she never came back to the front. It was really strange. It seems that the less knowledgeable someone is the more rude they are.
Today I've been on Wedding looking for florists in my area. They have a great review section and I've emailed several florists I found off the site that have good reviews. One florist I emailed already got back to me and her prices are much lower than any I've been quoted thus far plus she said she'd throw in a toss bouquet and petals for free. I emailed her a picture of the bouquet I want and the description and she said she'd write me a quote tonight. I mentioned that I saw her store on Wedding Wire, but forgot to say I saw the offer for 15% off for mentioning it. It's a little bit far from where I live, but right now I'm getting stressed out about it and want to find someone quick.
I'm nervous about our pictures tomorrow. Hopefully they turn out ok. I have to bring all my stuff to get ready to work and get ready in the bathroom. I'm not looking forward to that.
Albert and I are both pretty stressed out even though we're getting everything done, we really only need to worry about the flowers and finishing the centerpieces and we haven't really spent that much money (relatively). I guess since we've hit the two month mark we're realizing that we need to get on the's becoming real! Someday it'll really hit me that I'll be married. I'm happy and excited about getting and being married, but sometimes it seems so unreal. It's something that I've been dreaming about for so long I didn't know if it was really ever going to happen and here it is happening to me! I'm going to be married and change my name and eventually have a baby and buy a house...all those things I've always wanted to do, but couldn't without having someone wonderful to share it with.
Albert has been so great through this whole wedding process. It has only made me more sure that he's definitely the one for me. Although we don't have the same amount of time to sit and relax I think it's made us appreciate each other more because we see all the trouble the other person is going through to marry the other one. The woman at our new apt building said that she could tell he was smitten with me :)
--Amanda (Privitt)